
Microsoft edge update



Nov 19, 2020 Microsoft is adding a host of new shopping-related features to Edge — good thing too because it seems the Black Friday sales started earlier than usual. To start, Microsoft has tweaked Edge’s. Oct 09, 2020 @nix1507 To follow-up, I heard back from the team!First, they requested that you submit diagnostic data through our secure in-browser feedback tool, if you haven't yet. (Shift+Alt+I on a PC or '.

Microsoft Edge

Update policy override
Microsoft Edge Update and later
Specifies how Microsoft Edge Update handles available updates from Microsoft Edge.
If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge Update handles Microsoft Edge updates according to how you configure the following options:
Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.
Automatic silent updates only: Updates are applied only when they're found by the periodic update check.
Manual updates only: Updates are applied only when the user runs a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this option.)
Updates disabled: Updates are never applied.
If you select manual updates, make sure you periodically check for updates by using the app's manual update mechanism, if available. If you disable updates, periodically check for updates, and distribute them to users.
If you don't enable and configure this policy, Microsoft Edge Update handles available updates as specified by the 'Update policy override default' policy.
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
GP unique name: Update
GP name: Update policy override
GP path:
Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge Update/Applications/Microsoft Edge
Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge Update/Applications/Microsoft Edge Beta
Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge Update/Applications/Microsoft Edge Canary
Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge Update/Applications/Microsoft Edge Dev
GP ADMX file name: edgeupdate.admx
Windows Registry Settings
Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftEdgeUpdate
Value Name:
(Stable): Update{56EB18F8-B008-4CBD-B6D2-8C97FE7E9062}
(Beta): Update{2CD8A007-E189-409D-A2C8-9AF4EF3C72AA}
(Canary): Update{65C35B14-6C1D-4122-AC46-7148CC9D6497}
(Dev): Update{0D50BFEC-CD6A-4F9A-964C-C7416E3ACB10}
Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value: