Rs Lcd 16x2

RS-16X contains a demo project which contains pre-programed basic drum patterns and programs (drum kit) for quick start. However, making your own drum kit with your favorite drum samples is easy as drag & drop. Just drop audio sample files (Uncompressed Aiff, Wave) onto one of the virtual pads and it's ready to use.
Verbatim 4.7GB DVD-Rs. 16x Writing Speed. New: A brand-new, unused, unopened and undamaged item in original retail packaging (where packaging is applicable). If the item comes direct from a manufacturer, it may be delivered in non-retail packaging, such as a plain or unprinted box or plastic bag. RS-16X is a sequence & song style standalone drum machine program for Mac platform. With the virtual controller pads and keyboard, you can create drum tracks without any external devices. RS-16X contains a demo project which contains pre-programed basic drum patterns and programs (drum kit) for quick start.
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16x7 Rs
Rs-16x Drum-machine

Rs-16x Serial
- 16 x 6 Banks Virtual Pads.
- 88 Keys Virtual Keyboard Controller with Pitch Bend & Modulation Wheels.
- Virtual Pads & Keyboard correspond with computer's keyboard.
- 96 tracks sequencer.
- MIDI Clock Sync master or slave.
- Creates sequences in any time-signature.
- Swing Quantizing.
- Loads up to 1,536 samples at a time (16 Pads x 6 Banks x 16 Channels).
- Import & export AKAI MPC's '.PGM' & '.SND' File (MPC3000, MPC2000, MPC2000XL Format).
- Import & export Standard MIDI Files.
- Built-in synthesizer.
- Built-in reverb.
- Export sequence as AIFF.